Thursday, July 21, 2005

Honor the Flag, don't Dishonor It!

We have just recently honored the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July, and most of us honored that signing by displaying the Flag. The Flag is a symbol of our Freedoms as expressed in that wonderful document along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

When we disagree with some of the current policies of the President, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, we should feel good that we have the right to do it.

But the Flag of this great country represents that right. So, paint all of the pictures of Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush in a toilet or being urinated on, but don’t include the Flag. The President is not the flag. The President and us get to express our views because of what the Flag represents.

Those Crazy Conspiracy theorists on both the right and the left, such as Michael Moore, and the Nazis Skin Heads can spew forth all of the hate for the current President all they want, what the flag represents allows them to do that, but when they dishonor the flag, they are saying that they would prefer to live under a different system.

It is clear that the Left in this country doesn’t like their fate to be in the hands of the voters. They view half of the voters as a bunch of Bible Toting Rednecks who are too stupid to know what they are doing. Only they, and their superior intellect really know what is best for us and our country.

They continue to be losers under this system of self-government, so they turn their eyes towards socialist countries like France, and do all they can to make it clear they hate what the flag stands for.

Conservative Schooler’s
blog site has a petition that all should sign where a person named Steve Pearcy who either appears to not understand the difference of what Bush stands for and what the Flag stands for, (or he hates America), has a picture of the Flag, (or more precisely, a methaphor of the U.S.A. with the Flags Colors), being flushed down a toilet on display at Attorney General Bill Lockyer’s office.

Free speech is one thing, but to have the taxpayers supporting Hate America Speech is another? Please visit Conservative Schooler‘s
blog site and sign the petition.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...

Yes, and those are also funded by the Tax Payers.

What is it called? The Foundation of Arts?

Any way, why is it O.K. to offend Conservatives, but when a liberal is offended, we have to acquiesce and apologize?

At 4:17 PM, Blogger jj said...

Does the right really need to be the morality. How many times in the last ten years have you seen some one in this country burn a US flag? It is hardly a big problem. Also the proper way to dispose of a flag is to burn it. So if you dispose of a flag the proper way standing by a sign that says bring our troops home is that going to be a crime? This is simply trying to outlaw ideas not actions. That is Ridiculous. Censorship by any other name.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger jj said...

Does the right really need to be the morality. How many times in the last ten years have you seen some one in this country burn a US flag? It is hardly a big problem. Also the proper way to dispose of a flag is to burn it. So if you dispose of a flag the proper way standing by a sign that says bring our troops home is that going to be a crime? This is simply trying to outlaw ideas not actions. That is Ridiculous. Censorship by any other name.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Flag burning in anger is not just properly disposing of a "honored symbol" of what this country stands for.

Come on, take off the defensive blinders. You do see the point don't you?

Which party has a habit of being disrespectful of our symbols?


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