Saturday, April 07, 2007

A confluence of views that conflict.

I have been having a nice conversation with a fellow blogger named Truth Or Consequences who has made me realize what might be a common misconception about people who happen to share a worldview that is similar to mine, so I decided to blog on that misconception.

I will start by saying that I have many views that happen to conflict in one or many areas and that makes those who read my positions on my views to think that I look for things to confirm my "preferred existing views" at the expense of one of my other views, when in reality, I look for things to try to “solve” the conflicts that exist in my “multi-faceted” worldviews without trying to prove or disprove any of them. Most people will accept any position that agrees with theirs without much thought, and summarily dismiss an opposing view without much inspection.

I usually find that just because there are some "missing links" in my views that I don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The preponderance of data or information is good enough until something else comes along. But on the other hand, if something comes along that completely shoots down one of my views, then I change. I have even changed religions because of that very thing.

First Example, I believe in God. The reason that I believe in God can be summed up in the statement above about the preponderance of data or information that makes sense to most people in the world. There are too many things that can't be explained by science because they are not in the part of this Universe that we can measure. Science will tell you for example that they may be other dimensions, such as suggested by "string theory", but we just don't know yet.

How is it that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of people who have had “out of body” experiences, especially near death ones, and in almost all cases they related almost, if not exactly, identically experiences. Hovering above their body…. moving toward a light…etc, etc. Read the book "Life After Life" by Dr. Raymond Moody, for the inspriation of your life about this concept, (if you have an open mind or are inquisitive.)

The concept can be further investigated in the question..."What is a mind?" Is the mind the essence of life? Is it the intelligence within us, or the spirit or soul of man/woman?

Where there is smoke there is usually fire. There is just too much information on the metaphysical side to ignore, so why not investigate with an open mind.

I also believe in Evolution but also believe that Man was created in the image of God. This view has a built in conflict, so I look for opinions or facts where possible that might give me a better handle on what might make “more” sense than what the current view I hold presents. Such as what the book “The Science of God” by Gerald R. Schroeder did for me in this wonderful book that I could not put down until I finished it. One of the top Ten books I have ever read!

Another example is I believe in Physics and for a long time I had a problem with the conflict of the notion that the Universe being created in six days, yet my logic and science told me it was Billions of years old. So, again, I looked for views that could help me solve that conflict, but not to prove anything one way or another. Again enter Dr. Schroder and his book above.

But to an outsider, it would appear that I was looking to “prove science wrong” in order to prove the other view right. Nothing could be further from the truth. My core view is that both Science and my other conflicting views must be in concert as the truth and facts must agree.

I also believe in Global Climate Changes, but I also hold the view that there are those in the world with agendas that wants to make us believe that man is bad and especially modern man and his excessive use of resources.

And so they look for ways to force their assumptions to arrive at the conclusion they desire. It is well known that the scientific mind wants to be able to “explain the world around us” and that we all have bias.

If a scientist holds a worldview that man must be causing the Global Climate Changes, then he will begin his Hypothesis with that assumption. Everyone knows that Conclusions are arrived at by way of the opening assumptions. Make the wrong assumptions and you arrive at the wrong conclusions.

So, to those who truly have an open mind, they will seek out dissenting views that may or may not fit the current “majority view” since the press and those in academia generally hold anti-conservative views and thus will try to “force” their agenda and views to fit their desired outcomes.

For those who believed that the world was flat, it was rational not to sail to far or they would fall off the edge of the world. But today, if you go against the mainstream views, you are acting irrational. Once the minority view is found to be true, then the whole paradigm changes, but today if the “majority of scientists” say something, then it “must be correct.” After all how can the majority ever be wrong?


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

FAR said- Everyone knows that Conclusions are arrived at by way of the opening assumptions. Make the wrong assumptions and you arrive at the wrong conclusions.

There you go again FAR:)

I think you are just looking at it differently (obviously). I do not think I would arrive at the wrong conclusion because I made the wrong assumption. Why you ask?

Because I would not come to a conclusion until I proved my assumptions.

That is how science works and simply what I have been trying to say.

Everyone makes opening assumptions but no one should come to a conclusion until you prove the assumption. Do you not agree with that?

I say your mind is not open because you already have the conclusions and now you are looking for assumptions and facts to agree predetermined conclusions. That is backwards.

FAR said-I don't agree with it all of the time, but that doesn't mean I don't see it or respect it.


You have moved more towards science which I always respect. Just don't forget the conclusions have to be proven or they are merely assumptions.

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Said: "Because I would not come to a conclusion until I proved my assumptions."

You make good arguments, but then there is often another way to look at it.

You used the word "Proved."

Do you belive/think that proof means that the conclusins are irrefutable or infallable?

The dictionary says the word "proof" just means that some people are convinced by the evidence presented. In other words tomorrow I could present new evidense (DNA) that might change the outcome and refute the previous "proof."

Proof 1. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true. - American Heritage Dictionary

It doesn't mean that your proving of assumptions makes it true, only that it was convincing "At that moment" and "until" something else comes along to refute the other evidence.

In the Global Warming Debate there are those who start with the assumption that the Earth has had 1600 year cycles of weather, going from warm to cool, etc and that the old saying..."If the streets are wet, does that mean that it is going to rain?" Or does it mean that it may have already rained.

Is the warming causing the build up of gases or is the warming caused by the gasses.

The outcome could very well be proved by the opposite assumptions.

I love being the devils advocate because I hate thinking I might be being manlipulated like sheep.

Conclusions do not always equal truth and false assumptions can be proven, it happens in court all the time.

Said "I say your mind is not open because you already have the conclusions and now you are looking for assumptions and facts to agree predetermined conclusions. That is backwards."

Ahhh, No, I have arrived at my conclusions by years of studing many sources of evidence and continue to look for both supporting and conflicting evidence to either support or refute my current positions. I am not starting with anyone elses conclusions.

I used to be a democrat, and now am a "private" Libertarian, not a "public" Libertarian, I'll explain later if you like.

I am continually changing my views based upon new evidence and that is because I am open minded.


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

I do not want to get into "Proof" like we did with "theory".

I will just say for example the theory of evolution has been proven true over and over and over.

The analogy

An analogy can be made using an automobile.

An automobile has many moving parts, all working in unison to perform the chore of transporting someone from one point to another point. An automobile is a complex piece of machinery. Sometimes, improvements are made to one or more component parts. A new set of spark plugs that are composed of a better alloy that can withstand heat better, for example, might replace the existing set. But the function of the automobile as a whole remains unchanged.

A theory is like the automobile. Components of it can be changed or improved upon, without changing the overall truth of the theory as a whole.

If you read that here's the break down. People that argue that evolution did not happen are taking pieces of the theory (automobile) and saying because the radio looks like a CD player it is not a car. That is how trivial the arguments are with regards to the theory.

The theory has always shown to be a car, people for there own reasons can say the wire is different hear or there so it may not be a car but it has always shown to be a car if it is ever shown to be a boat even once the theory it dead.

SO now we are at how do you define proof.

Well proven theories like evolution, relativity etc have been proven true over and over for about a century and they are not laws yet only because they are not yet perfect.

The perfect car.

Conclusions do not always equal truth and false assumptions can be proven, it happens in court all the time.

BTW- Please do not compare what is "proven" in court to what is proven in science.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Said: "and saying because the radio looks like a CD player it is not a car."

I am not trying to say that the basic premise of Evolution is not "proven" as in the Scientific methods of "proof."

I am one of those that agree that theories need "tweeking" from time to time as new evidence is found.

Do you see the point about the Cambrian Explosion causing many to rethink the "slow" process of evolution. Some are saying that perhaps Evolution did have some "guidance" toward the ultimate goal, especially when nature may not have a goal in mind by way of the "Infinite Monkeys" idea.

If the Monkeys could "see" when words made a logical "sentence" and then keep that sentence for the next iteneration, then it makes more sense in the time that is alloted for Macro Evolution to occur. But because of the Cambrian Explosion it begs the question of multiple "trunks" for the "groups" of species.

Do you not agree that in Science, there have been "proofs" that have later been found wrong? Main Theories and not just parts? Such as the Theory of the Universe not having a beginning.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

FAR Said Such as the Theory of the Universe not having a beginning.

Can you show me where that made it to a theory?

I have no time now, that just caught my eye I just wanted to wish you Happy Easter

Until another time.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...


I can't help but notice a contradiction in your approach. On the one hand, you seem to suggest with regard to global warming that just because the majority thinks something is true, it is not necessarily so. But today, if you go against the mainstream views, you are acting irrational. Once the minority view is found to be true, then the whole paradigm changes, but today if the “majority of scientists” say something, then it “must be correct.” After all how can the majority ever be wrong?

On the other hand, two posts ago, you use the "how could so many people believe in something wrong" argument as proof of the existence of God.
While over a Billion people, (Jews, Christians, and Muslims), believe in the same God of Abraham, (they might understand him differently, but they all claim he is the God of Abraham), is there any comparison to those who believe that there might be a God named Zeus?

Which is it?

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Happy Easter to you too.


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Said: "if you go against the mainstream views, you are acting irrational."

The thing is that those who don't think that God exists, even though in the minority, are not thought to be irrational, just not convinced "yet."

While if one goes against the Left Mainstream, they are thought heritics.

I do see the seeming contridiction though on both sides.

Those on the other side seem quick to jump on the "majority" must be right when it comes to the Secular views, but....not if it has to do with religion. Hmmmm.

Good comment as usual and it did make me think which is what I love the most. :)

Happy Easter.


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


I think it was part of what Einstein proposed as his "Static Universe" Theory.

See ""

He added a "Constant" to his math to make it fit his view and later called that theory his biggest blunder of his life.


At 7:18 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Good point FAR, although I think there is a bit of a distinction between what a majority of scientists says and what the majority of the general population believes.

That's like comparing the opinion of 10 doctors vs. 10 people about someone's illness. I will give more weight to the doctors.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


I tend to agree, however, having said that, My wife used to say, "What good is it to go to a Doctor when I can find another Doctor who is just as qualified, and get just the opposite diagnosis?"

Show me some experts and I will show you more than one view on the same subject. I think it all has to do with everyone, (Scientists included), trying to confirm their own worldview and doing it by the way that they attack a problem.

Starting with the assumption that their worldview is correct, and then setting about to find supporting evidence to prove it.

But then as it relates to Global Warming, (or Cooling as was the absolute consensus when I was in high school), may not make much differece with the way the world is heading for a showdown in the Middle East.

There are many who think that by the year 2021, (I can show you the scripture math they use to come up with the approximated year - no one knows the exact time), that there will be no more need for wars because we will be living under a single ruler by then.

Christians and Jews believing it will be the Mesiah, and Muslims beliving it will be the 12th Imam. (At least that is my understanding.)


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Totally beside the point that experts have differing opinions. This is a distraction from the real argument of whether it is okay to insist that majority rule is the determinant in one situation while ignoring it in another. Just like the lefties, you don't get to pick and choose.

With regard to armageddon, I think it's pretty sickening that we have a president who is actively trying to destroy civilization. Sickening.

Muslims beliving it will be the 12th Imam.

Shia Muslims believe in the 12th Imam. Sunni Islam does not. The line of the imams is unique to Shia Islam.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Said: "Totally beside the point that experts have differing opinions. This is a distraction from the real argument of whether it is okay to insist that majority rule is the determinant in one situation while ignoring it in another. Just like the lefties, you don't get to pick and choose."

I agree. Perhaps I need to pick a side... :)

Actually, the above is really tounge in cheek, since even though I have not done a good job of saying which side I take, my position is that of a Scientist, which is to be skeptical of most things irrespective of the majority view.

I study both sides and then let the facts and common sense rule. The real problem is that often both sides of a view have facts.

While I don't really care for Bush, I am not sure I can say that I "know" his motives. Thought police is already happening, just ask Don Imus. We are supposed to have free speach, but if a liberal talk show host says something that is "insensitive" or a conservative talk show host does, there immediately goes out a call for his/her firing.

Free Speech should be dealt with by changing the channel, not by crying that "we have a right to not be insulted, and we will prove it by getting you fired."



At 10:47 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


As you have done before, you found something that I did/said was questionable/wrong.

I yeild again. :)

I should not have used the example of the majority believe in a God as a position, it is really not a good thing to do and I should not give it any weight.

So, on this one, you win! :)

Can I win once in a while? :)


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

This isn't about winning. It's about the struggle to find the truth. :-)

While I don't really care for Bush, I am not sure I can say that I "know" his motives.

Frankly, his motives are irrelevant. If you loan someone your car and they keep crashing it, a rational person will take away the keys regardless of whether the crasher meant to crash or not. If someone means well, but is painfully clumsy, you don't let them babysit your 2-year-old.

Whether Bush is sinister and evil or just plain incompetent and retarded, the end result is the same. The results are a disaster, not just for America, but for the world.

The Don Imus incident is trivia FAR. It's candy for the idiot masses. The thought police are the ones who don't allow an intelligent debate about Israel's conduct against the Palestinians, who throw the term anti-Semite around callously to stifle any discussion about the Lobby's role in American foreign policy. Address that and then we can be serious about thought control.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


It was toung-in-cheek about winning. I was mainly saying "I was wrong." Can you let me do that? :)

" to stifle any discussion

Right on about a lot of things that need to be discussed.

The following words are meant to stifle any discussion....

male chauvinist,

I am sure I am leaving out some, but any of those words and we are "put in our place" and the discussion is over. :)


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

What happened to T or C? :-)

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...

I dun no?


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

Thanks for asking but I am not to well. Anyway a little food for thought.

Far Said I think it was part of what Einstein proposed as his "Static Universe" Theory.

I don't believe it was ever a theory . From the link you provided the first line says -

Can you show me where that made it to a theory?

Einstein and others may have had an idea about a static universe but to become a theory it would have to be verified by multiple scientists.

Theories are seldom if ever replaced or thrown out because it is not easy to to get to that point.

You have used Einstein a few times here is a little but more on him if you care to read it.

Einstein could never get over his belief that the universe was set and explainable. He could not come to terms with the uncertainty of quantum mechanics.

Atheist and the religious like to use Einstein's words to say "see he believed as I do."

The truth is as a boy he became deeply religious in spite of his parents feelings about religion, his father Hermann referred to Jewish rituals as "ancient superstitions,"

At 12 years of age-

Einstein would later come close to these sentiments. But at the time, his leap away from faith was a radical one. "Through the reading of popular scientific books, I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of free thinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression."

Later in life Einstein's direct answer to the question do you believe in God?

It became the most famous version of an answer he gave often: "I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."

HE believed in God like a deist would. Many of the founding fathers were Deist and had the same view of God .

He defined God in an impersonal, deistic fashion, but he deeply believed that God’s handiwork was reflected in the harmony of nature’s laws and the beauty of all that exists.

Spinoza's God
The consequences of Spinoza's system also envisage a God that does not rule over the universe by providence, but a God which itself is part of the deterministic system of which everything in nature is a part. Thus, God is the natural world and has no personality.

I believe and I have said many times that if there is a god he created the universe but lost control over it once it was created.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


"I believe and I have said many times that if there is a god he created the universe but lost control over it once it was created.

You would love the book by Schroeder, "The Science of God."

He, you, I, and Einstein are very similar in this instance, not exact mind you, but very similar.

Schroeder in is book is very clear that God does not run all of the "Science" of the world or even the Universe. He creates and then allows whatever to happen, to happen. He might "interfere" from time-to-time but for the most part, he allows nature and science to take it's course.

While some believe God has this "guiding hand" in everything, I think that is hogwash.

As Schroeder said in his book, the parting of the Red Sea was done by a huge wind that did it with the laws of nature and not some "hocus pocus."

While I admit there is a little bit of irrational thought in religion, who could rationally believe it is possible to walk on water, but then that is why it is a "leap of faith." :) I think there was some other law of nature that Jesus used to walk on the water, but then what do I know?

But then is it irrational to believe we can predict the weather in 2040 or 2080, but yet we can't do it for next week?

The only thing we can say for sure is the the climate will change. It always has and always will, but who says what temp is the "perfect" one.

Maybe humans in general need to be irrational and believe in "the sky is falling" as much as they need to believe in a higher power?

In high school I hear all kind of doomsday predictions, "Ice Age Comming", "run out of oil by 1990", "population explosion", "run out of food", "hetrosexual aids" ect, etc.

Not one doomsday prediction by those "experts" has ever happened in my lifetime.

The opposite has happened though, the Environmentalists have been directly responsible for millions of deaths by banning DDT.


At 6:30 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


All the best and hope you get better.

I enjoy your company. :)


At 10:57 AM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

FAR said-He might "interfere" from time-to-time but for the most part, he allows nature and science to take it's course.

If a god created the universe he? set it in motion and has no way to interfere. I do not believe that an intelligence purposefully created the universe I am just saying if there was he could no longer be able to interfere.

FAR-But then is it irrational to believe we can predict the weather in 2040 or 2080, but yet we can't do it for next week?

Off subject but quickly-

No one is forecasting the weather that far out. The climate will change. We will adapt it is the poor people and countries that will suffer not us. We will merely be inconvenienced so why bother right?

FAR- It always has and always will, but who says what temp is the "perfect" one.

The one that humans have adapted to and allows poor countries to survive.

FAR-In high school I hear all kind of doomsday predictions, "Ice Age Comming", "run out of oil by 1990", "population explosion", "run out of food", "hetrosexual aids" ect, etc.

While there has never been an over whelming scientific consensus on the problems you cite as there is with climate change would you not agree Africa has seen a population explosion, famines, and in some countries a population with about a 50 percent aids rate.

Climate change like those problems are mostly a problem for the poor so don't worry about it.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


"if there was he could no longer be able to interfere.

As far as you know. There might be a possibility that he is the most intelligent being in the Universe and he might know some stuff that you and I don't....Yes?

"While there has never been an over whelming scientific consensus on the problems you cite as.."

Yep, there was consensus on almost all of them.

I think that there is a lot of "hysteria" going on from the political left and it doesn't bode well for them, as it makes them look like people running around with their heads cut off.

Poor people are always a concern but the "hysteria" predictions that were made in the 60's and 70's were just about the World in general, including the Western nations.

If we are so concerned about the poor, why aren't we speaking out against the millions of "poor" who are dying because of the lack of DDT in Africa? Because it is going against the Environmentalists? Ate they sacred cows and off limits?

Surely you don't deny the direct corralation between the out-break in malaria that happened to these poor millions after the ban on DDT?

And what about the genocide happening in Darfor by Muslim Extreamists?


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

FAR said- Yep, there was consensus on almost all of them.

Show me where there was a scientific consensus on the same level as climate change that the problems you cite would happen in the U.S.

Yes there are alarmist now as there were back then but the evidence on climate change is overwhelming.

In the U.S. climate change will mean thousands of people living near the coast will have to move. It will not happen on "one day", over the next 10-100 years as storms destroy homes and businesses they will not be allowed to rebuild. It will be gradual and the biggest problem will be water, warmer winters meaning much less snow pack for water storage.

We will end up using desalinization plants for fresh water. It will be much more expensive but we will adapt. Poor countries are not able to adapt as easily because they lack the resources.

As to the left looking "hysterical". Some are but as a whole the republicans have had their heads in the sand and are always late in figuring things out. Even Newt Gingrich said he accepts there is a general consensus among scientists that Earth has gotten warmer over the last century and that humans have contributed to that problem, conceding that his views might not find favor with some of his fellow conservatives.

After you show me some links or citations to back up your assertion-

now back to the post.

Far Said I think it was part of what Einstein proposed as his "Static Universe" Theory.

I don't believe it was ever a theory.

Can you show me where that made it to a theory?

FAR said-As far as you know. There might be a possibility that he is the most intelligent being in the Universe and he might know some stuff that you and I don't....Yes?

As I said I do not believe an intelligence created the universe but lets say "he" did. If he were to interfere in the universe after it was created he would be breaking the very laws of physics that were set in the seconds after it was created.

Any interference even once would be in the realm of magic and supernatural I prefer to stick with facts.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...

"Any interference even once would be in the realm of magic and supernatural I prefer to stick with facts."

When we make test tube babies, or clones, aren't we interfering?

If so, how is that magic or supernatural. I don't believe in magic and if people call something supernatural it is only because they don't understand the natural laws that caused it.

I don't doubt that the climate has gotten warmer, and I don't doubt that humans "may" have contributed, but I don't think that it can be projected as being a problem since even the U.N. keeps revising its figures downward. First it was 3 feet and now it is 17" while Gore (and only Gore) says 20 feet.

When ever anyone "toots" there will be an effect, the question remains how much and will it be a problem later.

Read this link about Scientists, some of which have no connection with Oil Companies or other special intrests, who disagree with the projections....


I remember distintly that it was a consensus that most all Scientists were convinced without a doubt that we were heading towards an Ice Age...Here is a link to an article written in 1975 in Newsweek Magazine describing that "massive amount of evidense..."


Time Magazine also ran a similar article.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Add this to the end of the first link....



At 10:44 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...

And here is a better link to a copy of the Newsweek article...



At 12:13 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Here's an interesting article -

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Truth or Consequences said...

As I said-
Yes there are alarmist now as there were back then but the evidence on climate change is overwhelming.

The links that worked were very good thank you both.

In 1975 there was nowhere near the consensus about cooling that there is today that the earth is warming and humans being responsible for the fact that it is happening at a faster rate than at any time ever seen. Not all the warming but the rate of warming.(think ice cores)
We will adapt so no worries.

II's link GWJ tries to go down the middle, maybe a bit to much. While he is of course correct no one can predict 1000's + years into the future what would he suggest just modeling what we can say for certain? No projections or predictions, or is it just that he does not like the prediction.

This of course goes to every one's world view that FAR has talked about.

It is sad that few can separate their relative perception of the world from the reality.

They fail to see their view is merely relative to their perception.
We can all fall into that one.


FAR saidWhen we make test tube babies, or clones, aren't we interfering?


Whether it is ethical or not is debatable but it is not playing god. It does not violate the theories and laws of physics. It scientifically follows those theories and laws or we would no longer have them.

While you may "feel" that is playing god it is not. An all powerful deity that could "interfere" from time-to-time
would be supernatural and break the laws of physics. Therefore could not interfere.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


First that article is a perfect example of exactly what my views on Global Warming are.

1. There are climate changes that happen all the time. My research shows a 1600 year cycle that matches what is happening.

2. The purpose of the new "religion" called Global Warming is to be able to do more "social engineering" by controlling the masses.

3. Follow the money. How many research dollars are give to those who say "all is well?"

It is amazing how many "sheep" will follow one of the worlds proven biggest liers (IMHO). He embellishes when ever he wants to gain more love for his outstanding love for the Globe.

If any Scientists disagree with the current new religion they are either fired or run out of town in shame for daring to speak up.

Thanks for a wonderful article.


At 2:30 AM, Blogger Free Agency Rules said...


Said: An all powerful deity that could "interfere" from time-to-time
would be supernatural and break the laws of physics.

My view today is that from all I have read and studied, he can interfere by "using" the laws of the Universe, not by breaking them.

No one, not even God, can break laws and be considered moral.

Do as I say but not as I do....Would that really be good coming from the ultimate teacher?

If it appears that God is breaking laws, then it only appears that way because we don't understand fully.

We must be in the guidence of the Holy Ghost to really understand. Natural man is by definition not able to understand things Spiritual.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. - 1 Cor. 2: 12, 14

God uses the laws of the Universe to "interfere" occasionally.

It is because he doesn't interfere often that evil and bad things are allowed to happen. People ask, "why would God allow this terrible thing to happen to this innocent little girl?"

Because he rarely interferes. Why, you ask?

Because one of the laws of the Universe is called the law of Universial Opposites, or what others call "Balance."

In order for us to know good, there must be bad. To know up, there must be down, right/left, inside/outside, right/wrong, and finally the most important one of all....Justice/Mercy.

Whenever God interferes, he must allow Satan to do the same.

There must be balance....matter/anti-matter, quarks/anti-quarks, protons/anti-protons, human beings/spriit beings, etc.

It is Gods most important law for without it we can't learn. We can't know hot without cold, etc.



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